9 Reasons to Travel the World

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you did not do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explorer. Dream. Discover. "| Mark Twain |

1 You will grow as a person

When traveling the world, you have the opportunity to experience different cultures and meet new people. It is inevitable that through these experiences that you learn a lot about yourself. Who are you as a person and what they want out of life very well could change.

2 freedom

You can enjoy a greater sense of freedom when no one can tell you what to do. You're the boss. You decide where to go, what you want to do and how long you stay.

3 Simplicity

You will discover how life can be better when you just saw. No phone, email, television, work, schedule, bills to pay; only you, your environment and your mind. Perfection.

4 Food, Glorious Food

You have the opportunity to try food from all corners of the globe. This is better than the fast food culture in this country. Do you like eating Chinese, Thai or Indian food? You can enjoy the food when you eat instead originated.

5 Meet new people

You will have the opportunity to meet new people in transport; some interesting, some boring, and some downright crazy. Everyone has a story to tell, most likely worth listening to.

6 Type

Instead of looking out the office window to see hundreds of skyscrapers staring back at you, you'll get to see the world in all its natural beauty. See the deserts of Africa or the jungles of the Amazon with his own eyes instead of looking at a still picture in a book.

7 Be Street Smart

You can now book smart, but street smart add to your character, then do not stop; which is a deadly combination. Travel teaches you many life lessons and pearls of wisdom you gain through your journey; in return, that is, when you try to be ripped off, there are many things you can learn new places.

Once Only Live 8

We are all a little time on this earth, and no one knows when it will come to an end (sorry for so depressing). Do you really want to be in the same town or city your whole life without meeting new people, trying new foods and see and live life like everyone else?

Entry 9 Home

After a trip around the world, there is nothing like the feeling of walking through the front door, dropping his bags on the floor and go to sleep in your comfortable and warm bed for a day or two. As fun as traveling can be, everyone needs a place to call home.